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Poultry Nutrition and Health

In today's poultry industry, integrated production companies face more challenges than ever. They require pre-harvest food safety technologies that improve risk management and bird health, while providing a solid return on investment.
PP Feeds unique product technologies support poultry health and performance in every stage of production. These natural technologies have multiple modes of action that support a balanced immune system, support the intestinal microbiome, and optimize intestinal structure. Practical poultry diets are formulated from a mixture of ingredients, including cereal grains, cereal by-products, fats, plant protein sources, animal by-products, vitamin and mineral supplements, crystalline amino acids and feed additives. In developing countries, the increasing cost and decreasing supply of traditional feedstuffs are expected to constrain the future expansion of poultry production. This situation highlights the urgent need to improve utilization of the wide range of alternative feedstuffs available in these countries. In many circumstances, feed resources are either unused and wasted, or used inefficiently. The use of most alternative feedstuffs is currently negligible, owing to constraints imposed by nutritional, technical and socio-economic factors. However, unlike intensive commercial poultry production systems, family poultry units and semi-commercial systems are well-suited to the inclusion of these feedstuffs.